Personal Information
Protection Policy Regarding the information you register
To prevent the leakage of personal information, we manage your information appropriately in accordance with our personal information protection policy.
Purpose of Collection
Migita Honten Co., Ltd. requests the provision of personal information to the extent necessary when you inquire or apply for our services.
The email address and other information you enter will be used only within this system.
Provision to Third Parties
We will not provide personal information to third parties without the consent of the individual who made the inquiry or application.
However, we may provide personal information to third parties without the individual’s consent under the following circumstances.
- When required by law.
- When necessary to protect human life, body, or property, and it is difficult to obtain the individual’s consent.
- When especially necessary for improving public health or promoting the sound growth of children, and it is difficult to obtain the individual’s consent.
- When cooperation is needed for the performance of legal duties by national or local government agencies or their contractors, and obtaining the individual’s consent may obstruct the performance of those duties.
Outsourcing to Third Parties
We may outsource personal information to other businesses within the necessary scope to achieve the purpose of use.
In such cases, we will select outsourcing partners with an established personal information protection system and enter into a contract regarding personal information protection.
Inquiries Regarding Personal Information
If you request disclosure, correction, or deletion of your personal information, we will promptly respond after confirming your identity.
Inquiries or consultations regarding personal information can be directed to the following
Migita Honten Co., Ltd.
Person in charge: Personal Information Protection Manager